How To Kill Orchard Grass In Your Lawn? (Easy Guide)

A well-maintained garden is every home-owners dream. To fulfill that dream, most homeowners care for their gardens with utmost precision and dedication. However, some persistent weeds, such as orchard grass, somehow find their way. 

I have written a easy step by step guide on how to kill orchard grass in your lawn, check it out and you have don’t have to worry about it anymore.

how to kill orchard grass in your lawn tutorial

What is orchard grass? 

Orchard grass or Dactylis glomerata are common in gardens and pastures. The major difference between orchard grass and turf grass is that the former grows much faster and forms thick clusters.

The grass grows quickly, the stem splits at the base, and the grass produces seed tufts to further pollinate. While unkempt grass in your lawn takes away the aesthetics factor, is it the only reason to curb the growth of orchard grass?

What is orchard grass

How To Kill Orchard Grass In Your Lawn?

The method you must select to remove this godforsaken grass from your garden will depend on the amount of this weed growth. A small patch of Orchard Grass on the onset of spring is much easier to remove than a full-length growth. But you can still get rid of this weed by applying a combination of methods. 

1. Dig it

If you are not keen on using any chemicals in your lawn, hand-digging the grass is one of the options. However, it is labor-intensive and only effective for young growths between mid-spring to early summer when the plant has shallow roots. 

Dig Orchard Grass 


  • Firstly choose an appropriate weeding tool
  • Use the tool to dig around the outside of the root cluster. Be careful, and don’t cut off the roots
  • Now reach the bottom of the roots and pull them out
  • Make sure no remaining roots are left in the hole
  • Replace the hole with new turfs

2. Use vinegar

Whether you choose a store-bought vinegar or a home-based option, remember that you will kill some of the surrounding turfs. White vinegar dies out and takes a few applications to kill off a plant successfully. It also loosens the plant roots and makes way for easy removal. 

Remove Orchard Grass USING vinegar
  • Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar.
  • Spray the orchard grass from the soil to the base of the grass.
  • The grass will turn brown, and you can remove it manually with a weed tool.
  • Fill the space with other grass varieties.

3. Boiling water

This technique will work for young grass that has not spread far. The process is straightforward – pour boiling water over the grass in a small area. This will burn the grass on top, and it will then darken. You can remove these dead ends, but the roots will still be alive. You need to repeat the process of the roots. 

4. Composting

This is a popular, cost-effective method where you mow the lawn and then cover it with some board or paper. Spray water over the layer, and apply a layer of compost when the paper becomes soggy. The wet paper layer will kill the grass weed, and the compost will add the required nutrients. 

5. Burning

Torches and flames is another good option to remove unwanted weed from your lawn. By using this method, you can not only dry the grass but also finish off its roots. However, you must only use fire in a non-inflammable area, like a stone patio. 

burning lawn grass

To be safe, it’s best to use the torch after a rainy day. It’s not advisable to use the touch during drought season. Finally, before starting the operation, check out your local fire regulations. 

  • Get rid of any possible fire hazards.
  • Wear proper gear- goggles, gloves, shoes, and fire-proof clothes.
  • Start your flame weeder after following proper instructions.
  • Use the flame for some time till the grass burns.
  • Brush the weed away from the stones after they have cooled.

6. Pesticides and herbicides

It’s also best to use non-selective herbicides like glyphosate, when necessary. However, it’s best to discuss the option with your local HOA. 

But if you end up using herbicides, the following are a few steps to keep in mind: 

  •  Put on gloves and goggles before touching the herbicide pack to read the instructions. If required, mix glyphosate concentrate with the required water proportions.
  • Ensure you spray the solution only on the weed and not on the surrounding grass.
  • Give some time for the plant to wilt.
  • Reapply if required.

Why should you control orchard grass? 

One of the biggest problems with orchard grass is its appearance. Though initially, it looks like regular grass, its unprecedented growth rate surpasses any other turf, even when the lawn is mowed regularly. Besides, since this grass is often lighter than other grass varieties, your lawn has a quirky color combination. 

All these factors make it necessary to control the growth of this disturbing grass, which brings us to the methods to use for the purpose: 

How does Orchard Grass get on your lawn? 

Orchard grass is persistent and might find its way to get into your lawn through many means. The following are the top ways:

  • Through the topsoil from another location.
  • By hay through a seeding job.
  • Contaminated grass tufts.
  • Pollination by birds or other animals.
  • Mowers – professional mowers don’t always clean their blades between mowing lawns and thus often contribute to the spread of orchard grass. This mostly happens when the orchard is wet. 
  • Aeration is essential for lawns, but orchard grass seeds can stay viable for 7-10 years and are activated through aeration.

How to prevent Orchard grass from growing on the lawn? 

How to prevent Orchard grass from growing on the lawn

Maintaining lawn health

After you have removed the orchard grass from your lawn, maintaining the lawn is the best way to keep them from coming back. Ensure your turf has strong root growth, balanced nutrients, and overseeing with premium. Quality seeds. You can also seek help from professionals if required. 

Quality grass seeds

The grass seeds you select will play a crucial role in keeping orchard grass at bay. Next time you buy grass seed, observe that most turf seed contains some amount of ‘crop seed.’ Orchard grass might simply slip into these mixtures. Thus it’s best to opt for brands with zero percent crop seeds. 

 New ground cover

Keeping orchard grass away is challenging, and the continuous effort is extremely toll-taking. You can take a break from it by opting for a separate ground crop. Not only do ground cover plants effectively kill weeds, but they also provide separate aesthetics. 

There are multiple varieties, like creepy thyme, juniper, and oregano. These plants don’t leave any additional nutrients for weeds to grow. 

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Indeed tackling orchard grass growth is a tedious task and requires constant care. But the results are rewarding. You only need to pick up an appropriate method and get ready to mill off the weed.

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