Why Do Bats Fly In Circles? (Explained By Expert)

Bats are some of the fascinating creatures in the world. They are essential to the global food web. Bats are important for pollination, and without them, some crops would not be able to grow. Without bats, say goodbye to bananas, avocados, and mangoes. These fruits would only be available with the help of bats. There are 1,400 species of bats worldwide, and many of them are not known for hibernation. But why do bats fly in circles.

Bats are the only flying mammals, and sometimes they fly in circles. This behavior is called flight initiation, used to hunt for food or escape predators. Scientists are still trying to understand why bats fly in circles.

Some theories suggest that the behavior helps bats to avoid flying into buildings or other obstacles. Some people believe bats fly in circles because they guard their homes. Others believe that they do it as a way to find food. 

Why Do Bats Fly In Circles? Everything Explained

Learn more about the bats here!

Why Do Bats Fly In Circles? 

Bats are a diverse and exciting group of animals. Some of their fascinating activities include flying in circles, socializing, mating, and hunting around. While some bats fly in circles for unknown reasons, others do it as part of their socializing or mating rituals. Some believe that bats fly in circles to keep track of their surrounding environment, while others believe that they do it to hunt around. 

One theory is that the circles help them orient themselves while hunting. Another theory is that the circle’s help bats catch insects in the air, these are the only things we know about why do bats fly in circles. Regardless of the reason, bats are fascinating creatures that deserve to be better understood.

Why Is A Bat Circling My House? 

When most people hear the word “bat,” they automatically think of a dark, spooky creature capable of inflicting severe damage. However, bats are beneficial creatures and can be valuable members of the ecosystem.

Why Is A Bat Circling My House

Here are a few reasons why a bat might be circling your house:

  • First, it could be looking for food.
  • Second, it could be looking for a place to roost.
  • Third, the bat has lost its way and is trying to find a way out.
  • Fourth, it could just be a harmless bird.

Why Do Bats Circle Around My Garden? 

Do you have a garden and see bats circling around it? You may be wondering why they do this. The answer to this question is quite simple – bats rely on flying insects to feed them, so they mainly revolve around your garden for hunting purposes. In fact, according to Bat Conservation International, flying insects make up 78% of the diet of adult bats! 

Why Do Bats Circle Around My Garden

So if you want to keep the bat population healthy and thriving, planting some plants that attract these flighty creatures can be a great way to do it! Some plants that attract bats are flowers with nectar high in protein, such as aster, dandelion, or clover; herbs like lemon balm or mint; and fruit trees like apples or pears. If you want to create a wildlife pond in your garden, adding some wetland plants will also help keep the population of aquatic insects healthy.

What Attracts Bats To Your Yard?

Bats are attracted to areas that fulfill their three basic needs food, water, and shelter. Many homes have features that meet these needs, making them a popular destination for bats. In addition, bats can consume up to 1,000 mosquitoes per hour, so providing them with places to eat is essential.

What Attracts Bats To Your Yard

Find out what bats live nearby

Surprisingly, it’s only sometimes the abundance of food. Some bat species are attracted to bright lights, while others prefer dark and quiet environments. To find out what bats live nearby and what they like, take a look at the following tips:

  1. Identify the type of bat you have in your yard by size and shape.
  2. Assess the environment around your home for potential roosts or hibernation sites.
  3. Study local plant life to see if any might be a preferred food source.

Let your garden act as a magnet

Bats are attracted to many things, but they love gardens. A study by the University of Illinois found that bats spend around 50% more time near gardens than in other habitats. Why is this? It’s likely due to the plants and flowers in a garden releasing chemicals that attract these animals. So let your garden be a magnet for bats!

Offer a water source

Bats are attracted to water sources, which means that if you have a garden or yard, you could provide valuable resources for these creatures. Make sure to place your water source in a secluded spot and ensure the surface is smooth so bats can easily land.UC Davis Extension recommends installing a bat house made from natural materials such as wood, plastic sheeting, or corrugated metal.

Buy or build a bat house

Bats are an important part of the ecosystem, eating insects and providing essential plant pollination. However, bats can be harmful if they get into your home or property. So if you’re considering buying a bat house, here are some factors. 

  • Size: The size of the bat house is essential because bats can get large! They need plenty of space to fly and roost. A small bat house may need to be bigger for a big bat, so choose one that’s at least 2 feet wide by 4 feet deep by 6 feet high.
  • Location: You’ll also want to choose the right location for your bat house. Bats prefer dark areas with plenty of room to hang out and eat. Choose a spot near trees or other places where they can shelter from weather conditions.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What to do if a bat is flying around you?

If you are close to a bat flying around your home, one of the best things to do is close interior doors so the bat can get outside. You can also give the bat a way to get outside by using a screen or a door jam. If the bat is in an area where it is unsafe to approach, you can call an animal control officer.

Should I worry about bats flying around my house?

Bats are beneficial insects that can eat up to 500 mosquitoes an hour. However, some people are concerned about the possibility of bats flying around their homes since they can harbor rabies. Though there have been no documented cases of a bat giving someone rabies, it’s always best to take the necessary precautions to protect your home.

What does a swarm of bats mean?

Swarms are a promiscuous mating system in which many animals gather together to mate. Swarms can occur naturally, such as when bats migrate, or they can be created artificially, such as when farms use bats to control mosquitoes. Bats favor areas with high concentrations of food, so if you see a swarm near your home, it is essential to keep yourself and your family safe by using proper precautions.

Why would bats swarm in the daytime?

If a bat is hungry, thirsty, or has been disturbed by human activity, it may come out during the daytime. During the daytime, they may swarm in search of food or water. These activities can increase the risk of being attacked and killed by a predator.


There are many hypotheses as to why bats fly in circles. Some believe that the flying pattern is used to help the bats find their way back home, while others think it helps them conserve energy. Regardless of the reason, it’s fascinating to watch, and it’s an amazing example of animal behavior. 

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