Do Hummingbirds Like Crepe Myrtles? Let’s Find Out!

Only flowering plants and trees are not enough to give your garden the look you desire. All of it will remain incomplete if you don’t have birds visiting your garden. Hummers are one of the popular birds that will visit your garden if you have bright nectar-rich flowers. So, do hummingbirds like crepe myrtles?

Hummingbirds are sensitive towards red and yellow and if the flowers are tubular, the hummers will never quit your garden. In addition to Salvia, Sunflowers, and Trumpet Honeysuckle, yes, hummingbirds are attracted to Crepe myrtle.

Do Hummingbirds Like Crepe Myrtles? All You Need To Know

Do hummingbirds like crepe myrtles?

Yes. Crepe myrtles are beautiful flowering trees and plants and hummingbirds adore them. In addition to hummingbirds, a variety of insects and other birds are also attracted to the crepe myrtle trees. Overall, the three provide nesting for a variety of birds. 

The flower produces a huge amount of nectar that primarily attracts hummingbirds. The colorful flowers of the plant attract hummingbirds easily. Though the crepe myrtle flowers don’t have a tubular shape that hummingbirds love, they are still attracted to it. 

Besides, hummingbirds the trees also attract other varieties of birds, butterflies, and insects. 

What do crape myrtles attract? 

The beauty and fragrance of crepe myrtle attract a lot of wildlife and powerful pollinators. The tree produces flowers from white to red and entices insects. The insects further attract a variety of birds that come to feed on such insects. 

What do crape myrtles attract

Some of the popular visitors for crepe myrtle include:

Crape Myrtle Aphids

As the spring season gets the plant to blossom, crape myrtle aphids rush to the tree. These insects have sharp mouths and use those to penetrate the leaves and suck the sap. While a few of the aphids do not cause much harm, if their population is vast, they might kill the plant. Though they are pests, the honeydew left behind by the aphids attracts others pollinators. 

Glassy-winged sharpshooters

If you observe a white powdery substance on the crape myrtle it indicates the presence of a glassy-winged sharpshooter infestation. These insects often hop between the plant leaves and get inside stems and leaves using their mouths. Unlike aphids, they do not help the crepe myrtle in any way and simply cause destruction. 


Crepe myrtles require bright sunlight coupled with proper irrigation to ensure the growth and blossoming of plants. The flowers of this plant are perfect, i.e, they have both male and female reproductive organs. Thus crepe myrtle can have both self and cross-pollination. Cross-pollination, of course, leads higher seed count. And the beneficial visitors that enable this include bees and wasps. 


In addition to the insects mentioned above, the crepe myrtle is visited by other insects like ladybugs and assassin bugs. Ladybugs keep the aphids population in control and thus help the crepe myrtle plant. Assassin bugs keep the glassy-winged sharpshooter popular under control.

What is the hummingbird’s favorite color flower?

Hummingbirds prefer red-colored flowers. They feel that red flowers are a good source of food. Hummingbirds see differently than we do. They have different retinas and are sensitive to red and yellow flowers. However, that is not to say that hummingbirds are not attracted to other flowers that provide nectar. 

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Do hummingbirds prefer flowers or feeders? 

In an experiment conducted by Rachael McCaffrey and Susan Wethington, it came to be proved that hummingbirds don’t enjoy feeders as much. For this experiment, feeders were located in several micro-habitats with various types and amounts of hummingbird plants. Volunteers counted the number of times that saw hummingbirds coming to the feeder and their counts showed the results. 

Do hummingbirds prefer flowers or feeders

Hummingbird feeders have 1:4 sugar solution which is about 20% sugar. Hummingbirds prefer to visit flowering plants that have as much as 22-26% sugar concentration in their nectar. As it seems hummingbirds prefer flowers to feeders. 

Are crepe myrtles beneficial?

Many important insects and pollinators are attracted to crepe myrtle flowers for their nectar and pollen. The honeydew produced by crepe myrtle aphids attracts pollinators like bees and wasps and encourages them to remain in the area for further pollination. In addition to creating a healthy plant ecosystem, crepe myrtles are also known to prevent the growth of cancer cells, maintain bone health, and treat inflation, diabetes, and diarrhea. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do crepe myrtles keep mosquitoes away?

There is no evidence to suggest that crepe myrtle keeps mosquitoes away. 

Why are crape myrtles so popular?

Crepe myrtle produces beautiful nectar-rich flowers. Not only do these flowers, ranging from white to red lion attractive, but they also attract important pollinators and other insects to the garden that help to enrich the green ecosystem. Besides, the presence of such a variety of insects attracts many flowers in the garden.

Does crepe myrtle attract birds?

Yes, they do. Hummingbirds and other songbirds come to feed on the insects that are attracted to the crepe myrtle flowers. Crepe myrtle provides nesting to many types of birds.

Do crape myrtles attract butterflies?

In the South, Crepe myrtle thrives in warm weather and blooms between July to September. Their blooms attract a lot of butterflies.

Crepe myrtles are beautiful trees that you can rely on to produce beautiful flowers to attract hummingbirds scary year. The trees need little pruning and only regular watering to stay in bloom.

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