Do Deer Eat Celery? (All You Need To Know)

Celery is a vegetable plant that is cultivated easily. It is useful in cooking plenty of dishes. We human beings eat food to satisfy our appetites. In the same way, deer love to eat celery to satisfy their craving.

However, eating too much celery can be dangerous to Deer’s’ health. It provides them with nothing but nutrients that are not so important to include in their diet. Therefore, it is necessary to keep them away from celery cultivation.

Do Deer Eat Celery explained

Do Deer Eat Celery?

As mentioned earlier, deer love to eat celery along with vegetables. It provides additional nutrients. But it must not be their only source of diet. Deer being herbivores, have certain limitations in their food choices. And therefore will require supplements to match the required nutrients. Celery is an excellent choice for them.

The celery matches deer’s food taste and smell preferences, so they like to eat celery more than other vegetables. Also, celery can be found in plenty in the gardens, which these wild animals do not ignore. 

In addition, it is to be kept in mind that deer are ruminants. Animals such as cows, goats, and not to forget deer. They have a special type of microbes in their rumen that help them digest the food while chewing the cud. This helps them to have a continuous supply of vital proteins, which keeps them healthy.

Celery falls in such a category. It is very easy to find for them. Besides, it is a much more hydrating food. 

Is Celery beneficial to deer?

Deer eat celery stems because they are a good source of dietary fiberDeer ruminants can easily digest and extract the cellulose contained in these. We humans like to add celery to our salads due to their crispness.

Is Celery beneficial to deer all you need to know

This explains why deer love to eat celery. However, celery is harmful to deer as it is a part of vegetable waste. And they should not depend only on celery. It can pose a serious threat to their life.

Can you feed celery to deer for a long time?

During winter, a deer’s primary source of food is celery, as it contains moisture. It helps them to keep hydrated throughout the dry season. Consuming celery helps them to maintain a proper diet.

It contains water sources, protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and fat. These elements are essential for their overall physical development. Besides these grains like barley and wheat are also very essential. It provides a direct source of food to them.

Among these, carrots provide a good source of nutrients to deer. And they love to have carrots due to their rich nutrient supply.

Can Deer harm your celery trees?

Deer can harm celery trees. And they even damage the cultivation. As they love to eat celery, it is always probable that they will always tend to get inside the celery garden. And destroy the plantation. It can cause a serious loss to the cultivators. Deer, flies, worms, and other insects may damage celery cultivation. A hungry deer can have anything if they want. Besides, if they get celery, they will become desperate to have it.

How do I keep deer away from my celery?

 The sweet scent of celery attracts deer. It is very difficult to keep them away from celery cultivation. There are certain manual procedures. It helps to keep them away from celery plantations.  


It provides a barrier that keeps the deer away from the celery garden. Celery cultivators frequently use this method to protect their farming. 

How do I keep deer away from my celery

There are several fencing methods:

Wire fencing

The fencing is made of different types of wires. They are placed in a horizontal and vertical position and give a wide coverage which prohibits the deer from entering the celery garden. Wire fencing can be used in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas. However, wire fencing is cost-effective.

It requires different materials like aluminum, steel, and poly wire. The wire needs to be galvanized before the melting process, which is a very expensive method. Wire fencing should be made 8-10 feet high. This stops the deer from entering the celery plantation. 

Double fencing

It provides more protection because it is not transparent. It should be 4 feet long so that deer cannot jump into the celery garden.

How to fence around celery trees?

It is easy to create a fence around the celery tree. Celery trees just need adequate moisture for their growth. Proper sunlight is essential for their growth, and fencing should be done accordingly. 

How to fence around celery trees
  1. Deer repellents: Certain chemical sprays keep the deer away from the celery garden. But it should be kept in mind that these chemicals should not harm or kill any deer. 
  2. Scare tactics: These are man-made tactics. It will keep the deer away from the celery garden for a few days. This is not a permanent technique. But it proved to be quite effective.

Can I feed wild deer in the winter?

During September and October, the food intake capacity of a deer increases. It is easier to feed them in winter than in summer. There is a special type of bacteria that helps them to digest food in winter. It is always preferable to give them buds and twigs of a tree for easy digestion. So, I hope you have got the answer for “do deer eat celery?”, If I have missed something let me know in the comment box.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much celery can deer eat?

Deer are herbivorous animals. They love to eat celery to fulfill their appetite. But having too much celery can be harmful to their health. There should be a limitation so that they remain fit and healthy.

2. Can deer eat celery stalks?

Yes. Deer can eat celery stalks. Celery stalks provide additional protein to deer. It contains fiber which is essential for their growth.

3. Do Deer Eat carrots?

Yes, deer eat carrots. They love to eat carrots and other vegetables for taste. But it should not be included in their balanced diet. To keep them strong, fit and healthy, they should have a direct food source.

4. What vegetables do deer eat?

Besides, carrot deer can eat cabbage, cauliflower, beans, lettuce leaves, and broccoli.


Celery is always beneficial for deer. They can eat fresh as well as dry celery. Celery stems provide additional nutrients to deer, which help them to stay fit and healthy. Being herbivores, celery and other vegetables are their only source of food that assures their nutrient needs.

Celery is a vegetable plant nurtured easily as it is useful in cooking plenty of dishes. Like human beings, deer eat celery whenever it is available to satisfy their hunger.

However, eating too much celery can be dangerous to their health. It provides them with nothing but nutrients that are not so important to include in their diet. Therefore, it is necessary to keep them away from celery cultivation.

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