Can Hummingbirds Be Pets? (Explained By Expert)

Hummingbirds are one of the most beloved birds in North America. Their name comes from the sound their wings make as they fly. They are tiny birds, usually no bigger than 3 inches. Yet, despite their small size, they are some of the most agile flyers in the world. They can hover in mid-air and even fly backward! So, can hummingbirds be pets?

No, hummingbirds cannot be pets. Though they are beautiful and unique creatures, they are wild animals that cannot be domesticated. They require a specific diet and environment challenging to replicate in captivity. Additionally, they have very high metabolisms and need to eat constantly, which makes it challenging to care for them properly.

Can Hummingbirds Be Pets

They are the smallest birds in the world and can fly up to 60 miles per hour! They are exciting to watch and are very beautiful. However, many people wonder if they can be kept as pets. Unfortunately, the answer is no, and they cannot.

Can Hummingbirds Be Pets?

Hummingbirds cannot be pets. These birds are wild animals and, as such, are protected by state and federal laws. Owning or possessing a wild animal without the proper permits is illegal. Even if you obtain the necessary permits, keeping a hummingbird as a pet would be unethical. These birds are not domesticated and do not thrive in captivity. They require special care and a specific diet that most people cannot provide.

People have long been fascinated by hummingbirds. These tiny creatures are swift and can hover in mid-air. They are also very colorful; some people say they are lucky to see one. Because of their size and beauty, many people wish they could pet a hummingbird. However, this is not possible, as hummingbirds are wild animals and cannot be domesticated.

For example, in the United States, it is illegal to own a hummingbird as a pet. There are a few reasons for this:

  • Hummingbirds are very delicate creatures and require special care.
  • They are wild animals and should not be kept in captivity.
  • There are many diseases that hummingbirds can carry and spread to humans.

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Is It Legal To Keep A Hummingbird As A Pet?

The answer depends on the country you live in. In some countries, hummingbirds are considered wild animals, and it is against the law to keep them as pets. In other countries, there are no laws against keeping a hummingbird as a pet.

In the United States, it is illegal to own a hummingbird as a pet. Despite their small size and adorable appearance, these birds are wild animals and are not meant to be kept in captivity. Hummingbirds are also very delicate creatures; they are easily frightened and can die from stress. Furthermore, they require a special diet of nectar and insects, which is difficult to replicate in captivity.

Is It Legal To Keep A Hummingbird As A Pet

In the United Kingdom, all hummingbirds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This act was enacted in 1918 and amended in 1919, prohibiting the taking, killing, or possessing of any migratory bird without a permit. As a result, the UK is home to many hummingbird species, including the green-backed firecrest, rufous-tailed robin, and black-chinned bumblebee.

Can Hummingbirds Be Tamed?

Hummingbirds are one of the most popular backyard birds. They are small, colorful, and very active. Many people enjoy watching them fly from flower to flower or feed from a hummingbird feeder. But can these little birds be tamed?

The answer is yes and no. While hummingbirds cannot be domesticated like other pets, they can become accustomed to humans if fed regularly. Some hummingbirds will even perch on a finger or shoulder! However, they can still be trained to do tricks or become utterly dependent on humans for food.

If you want to attract hummingbirds to your yard, the best way is to provide them with a natural food source, such as flowers or a hummingbird feeder filled with nectar.

Do Hummingbirds Get Friendly With Humans?

Yes, hummingbirds can get friendly with humans. Unfortunately, they are one of the easiest birds to hand-tame. Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, so you can entice them by wearing a red shirt or hanging a red flower in your yard. Once they start coming around, you can try offering them sugar water from a feeder.

Do Hummingbirds Get Friendly With Humans

Just be sure to use a solution of four parts water to one part sugar; any more sugar than that can harm the bird. With time and patience, you may even be able to get the hummingbird to eat from your hand!

How Long Do Pet Hummingbirds Live?

The average life span of a pet hummingbird is about 5-8 years. However, the life cycle of a hummingbird is much shorter than that of other birds. A hummingbird hatches from an egg and grows into an adult in just 3-4 weeks. Once they reach adulthood, they begin to mate and produce their offspring.

How Long Do Pet Hummingbirds Live

While the life span of a pet hummingbird is relatively short, they make up for it with their high energy levels and vivacious personalities. Hummingbirds are one of the most active bird species and are constantly on the move, which is why many people enjoy keeping them as pets.

Can Hummingbirds Live In Captivity?

Yes, hummingbirds can live in captivity if provided with the proper care. They need a special diet of nectar and insects and a clean cage with plenty of space to fly.

Hummingbirds are also very delicate, so it is essential to handle them carefully. If you are not experienced in caring for birds, it is best to leave this task to a professional.

What Do You Feed A Pet Hummingbird?

When it comes to feeding a pet hummingbird, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, hummingbirds eat nectar from flowers. So, if you have a pet hummingbird, you’ll need to provide them with a steady supply of nectar. You can buy nectar at most pet stores or make your own.

What Do You Feed A Pet Hummingbird

Secondly, hummingbirds also eat insects. So, along with nectar, you’ll need to provide your pet hummingbird with a steady supply of insects. You can buy insects at most pet stores or catch them yourself.

Thirdly, hummingbirds need water. So, ensure you provide your pet hummingbird with a fresh supply of water every day. You can buy water at most pet stores or get it from the tap.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How much do Hummingbirds cost?

Hummingbirds are one of the most popular bird species in North America. Unfortunately, they are also one of the most expensive, ranging from $75 to $200. For many people, the cost is worth it for these birds’ beauty and joy. However, a few things should be kept in mind before purchasing a hummingbird.

What is the smallest bird you can have as a pet?

The smallest bird you can have as a pet is a hummingbird. They are native to the Americas and are the smallest birds in the world. Hummingbirds are very active and love to fly, so they need a lot of space. They also eat a lot of insects, so you will need to provide them with a feeder full of sugar water.

Can hummingbirds live indoors?

Hummingbirds are outdoor birds because they need to be in nature to find food and build nests. They eat insects and nectar from flowers, so they need to be near these food sources. In addition, hummingbirds use spider webs and plant material to build their nests. Therefore, the outdoors allows them to find the resources they need quickly.

But yes, hummingbirds can live indoors if given the proper care. However, they are naturally found in tropical climates, so they will need to be in an environment that is warm and humid. They also need a nectar source, so you will need to provide them with a sugar water solution. You will also need to make sure they have plenty of insects to eat.

Will hummingbirds sit on your finger?

One of the most common questions people ask about hummingbirds is whether or not they will sit on your finger. The answer is maybe. While hummingbirds are tiny, they are also solid and can fly away quickly if they feel scared or threatened. If you have ever been close to a hummingbird, you know that its wings move so fast that you can barely see them. That’s because they flap their wings about 50 times per second!

Do hummingbirds recognize the people who feed them?

Hummingbirds are one of the most adorable creatures. But, unfortunately, they are some of the tiniest, with some species measuring just over 2 inches long. Given their size, you might not think these birds have a lot going on upstairs. But new research suggests that hummingbirds are more intelligent than we give them credit for and that they may even be able to recognize the people who feed them.


In conclusion, humming birds are beautiful creatures that can bring joy to anyone who sees them. However, it is important to remember that they cannot be kept as pets and it is actually illegal to do so. If you are lucky enough to see one of these special birds, take a moment to appreciate their beauty and uniqueness but forget about owning them.

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