Barriers To Keep Cars Off grass: Physical and Visual Barriers List

One fine day you woke up to notice your lawn damaged with tire marks and all the dirt spread around. So disgusting as the view may be, it’s awful and stressful. You remember your neighbor throwing a party last night. And understand the tire marks came from the cars parked by his guests.

Barriers to keep cars off the grass

You are helpless since arguing with the neighbors is pointless. You cannot prove it’s been done deliberately. Nor asking for legal help is a good idea. All you can think of is to come up with something to prevent it from repeating.

Setting barriers to keep cars of grass can help you to deal with these issues in the future. Let’s understand how you can prevent cars off the grass and protect your lawn.

Barriers to keep cars off grass

There are several ways to prevent any car from coming on your grass. Physical barriers, such as fences, hedges, concrete blocks, or simply setting huge rocks on the edge of your lawn, can keep a car away from entering your lawn area. 

Alternatively, you can use visual barriers, such as erecting signages and markings, instructing about “no parking” on your lawn. Or, set up sensors that emit sirens after detecting the motion of any vehicle which is entering the lawn. It will alert you and the vehicle driver. Let’s look at all the barriers to keep cars off grass that can help you keep cars off the grass.

Types of barriers that can be used to keep cars off the grass

Physical barriers

Bollards/Parking posts

Bollards are generally called parking posts. They help specify boundaries for parking vehicles, preventing unauthorized cars from entering the parking area. Using these bollards on the edge of your parking lawn will prevent outsider vehicles from entering your yard.

Bollards or Parking posts

Using colorful strips with bollards will make it more noticeable, with easy visibility during the night. Bollards are fixed sturdily to the ground with cement and concrete. Removing them is pretty hard with bare hands.

Also, it’s rare for anyone to hit the bollard accidentally when compared with spike strips or rocks. Ensure you maintain enough space for your car/vehicle to go through. Permission to erect bollards from the local authorities is essential.

Concrete blocks

Concrete or cement blocks are another barrier to keep vehicles off the grass. You can place these blocks on the edges of your lawn at a specific distance from each other. The appearance of these blocks will discourage vehicle parking. Likewise, for bollards, obtaining permission from the local authorities is essential before using concrete blocks.


Another versatile barrier to keep cars off the grass is fencing. Apart from preventing outsider cars on your lawn, it also blocks your pets within your area limits. A fence can also beautify your yard if you do a little homework on enhancing its appearance. Several styles concerning sizes, shapes, and colors are available in fencing.

fencing barriers

You can install a temporary fence occasionally when you know of any party your neighbor is throwing that may lead to a car rush. For fences also, permission from the local authorities is essential.

Hedges or trees

Hedges or trees make an ideal barrier to outsider vehicles from entering your lawn. It also helps to enhance your privacy. Patio Paradise is one model hedge. A hedge can be both- natural and artificial.

Natural hedge comprises shrubs and trees that block vehicles. In addition, it provides a naturalistic appearance to your yard. However, growing a natural one is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort to be put in.
Artificial hedges are affordable and can be set quickly. They are easy to carry with their assembling and disassembling features. 

Netted driveway guards

The netted guard fits on both sides of the driveway deterring vehicles from entering the lawn. The retractable feature of these guards helps to customize the width as required. These guards are available in several colored options to gel with your lawn designs.

Spike strips or Caltrops

Implement spike strips or caltrops as a barrier to prevent outsider cars from entering your lawn the last option. Unless you don’t want to ruin the happy moods of any stranger, avoid using them. Because the sharp spikes will deflate the tires of any vehicle immediately.

Spike strips or Caltrops

Moreover, the spikes may also pose a threat to kids and pets. Both spike strips and Caltrops may be illegal to use, even if you install them on your property.

Parking cones

Parking cones are the best option as a barrier. One of the simple and most affordable options, they don’t need to be fitted anywhere. You can place them in the desired spots. They indicate a “no parking” zone for every car driver there. However, they are prone to be removed effortlessly or get stolen.

Driveway pole markers

These are affordable solutions to mark your lawn’s perimeter. Being brightly colored with a combination of orange and reflective white or silver stripes, they are easily visible at night too.

Aluminum edging

Constructing a border around the edges of your lawn with aluminum is an ideal way to keep cars from entering the lawn. It’s easy to fit the aluminum edging without involving professional help. You can DIY using a basic hammer.

Aluminum edging

Since aluminum edging comes in various colors, you can select the one that matches perfectly with your lawn design. Aluminum edging is affordable. It’s easy to clean just by flushing it with a hose. However, aluminum edging is not durable. If you want something long-lasting, you can opt for concrete edging.

Concrete edging

Concrete edging is durable and easy to set up. It doesn’t require much maintenance. With concrete edging, you can be least worried about your lawn getting squashed by a car.

Concrete edging

Block pavers

Block pavers comprise a mix of concrete and sand. It prevents the stacked pieces from crumbling down while building them. Block pavers will also add beauty to your driveway.

Brick pavers

You can also use brick pavers as a barrier. They will give a professional appearance and can be colored to gel with your landscape design.

Stone pavers

Another durable and sturdy barrier is stone pavers. They can also be colored to suit your design. They are most durable and everlasting.

Timber sleepers

Timber sleepers are a popular option to keep cars off the grass. Constructed with hardwood, and are durable having a classy appearance.

Driveway stones

Driveway stones are round-shaped. Apart from looking good, they also act as a barrier keeping cars off the grass. It may damage a vehicle if it tries to run over it.


Standing lamps erected at intervals will act as a barrier to keep cars off the grass. You can find them in several variations, tall, short, modern, fanciful, etc.

Rock Gardens

One of the ideal ways to keep cars off the grass is having a Rock Garden. They will add aesthetics to your lawn. Rock Gardens are comparatively affordable and low on maintenance. Rock Gardens make it hard to park a vehicle. A lawn comprising a couple of rock gardens limits the area of any extra car to be parked on your lawn.

Rock Gardens

Decorative Ponds

Install a beautiful pond alongside the front edge of your lawn. It will discourage people from entering your lawn to park their vehicles. People tend to park their cars away from the water.


Think of placing sculptures of dwarf goblins or chainsaws onto the edge of your lawn. They will act as an ideal barrier to keep cars off your grass. You can also erect a combination of bird feeders and fountains as a barrier. It will also add extra beauty to your yard.

Ground Protection Mesh

A ground protection mesh helps to distribute the weight of car parks on a lawn. The ground protection mesh will prevent rutting or smudging of the grass when you park your car on your lawn.

Visual barriers


Nowadays, everyone is used to signs like “no trespassing” and therefore pays no heed to them. But you can opt for some creative messages like “Park here for the last time”, “Park here to lose your car”, or “Park here to get your tires deflated”, which will do the trick.

Signages Barriers

Security sirens

You can put security sirens around your property to prevent trespassers and their cars out of your yard. The only downside of it is that these sirens will start their noise when a human or animal gets near to it, causing you unnecessary disturbance. This is not an option if the area around your home has a lot of footfalls.

How do I stop people from driving in my yard?

Anyone trying to drive into your lawn without your permission is indeed unfortunate. As the first action, you must inform the legal authorities about the incident.

Secondly, discuss with your homeowners’ association and ask for potential solutions. Lastly, herewith is a list of changes you can make to your yard to keep strangers from driving onto it.

How do I stop people from driving in my yard
  • Fencing: You can try to set up a fence across your lawn’s border.
  • Flags: A quick and easy fix is to set up a lining of flags across the border. It sends a straightforward message of “no parking” to the drivers.
  • Hedge: If you have the patience and the will to put in the effort, growing a row of shrubs, bushes, and trees alongside the border of your lawn is a permanent option. 
  • Rocks: Enormous boulders or numerous rocks set at a specific distance from each other in your yard will prevent anyone from parking their car on your lawn.
  • Wooden stakes: Fixing wooden stakes in the yard to create a blockage to prevent cars is another ideal option.

How do you fix grass that has been driven on?

It’s a daunting task to repair the grass that has been driven on. But worry not! You can give a fresh appearance to your lawn with a few tools mentioned below.

What you need:

  • Garden shovel
  • Spade Fork
  • Lawn knife (optional)
  • Grass seed, sand, and/or compost
  • Watering can or Garden hose

You can fix grass damage due to car tires within any period of the year. You get the best results and start repairing when the grass reaches its growth spout. Based on the type of grass and weather, the growth surge is generally during late spring or early fall.

How do you fix grass that has been driven on

Fixing car-driven grass and shallow ruts

Shallow ruts are typically due to a car and go deep up to 1 to 3 inches. Herewith are the steps:

  1. Soil loosening: Locate the tire markings’ edges. Using a spade fort or garden shovel, loosen the soil at an angle of 45 degrees into the rut. The shallow trench spares you from digging deeper.
  2. Lifting Soil: Lift the soil to one or two inches above the grass. Let it settle naturally. The rut is now fixed.

Ruts deeper than 3 to 4 inches may be hard to repair. These tire marks usually occur when a car drives through the wet yard. 

Herewith are the steps to fix the car-driven yard.

  1. Removing grass: Use the shovel to eliminate the sod edges and any grass growing on them. Use a sod knife if required. Ensure the sod is root inclusive. Set the sod aside carefully if it is in good condition. If you think of leveling the yard using a lawn roller, it’s a bad idea. It will result in compacting the soil more.
  2. Soil loosening: Using the spade fork to loosen the compacted soil and lift it. Use a similar angle of 45 degrees mentioned above.
  3. Filling the rut: Fill the rut with topsoil to achieve a good result. Use a mixture of soil, compost, and sand in equivalent quantities. Top up the new soil to about 1 to 2 inches above the existing one.
  4. Growing grass: Use the previously kept aside sod and let it settle onto the new layer of soil. Suppose the sod isn’t in good condition, plant new grass. Ensure you are using the same type of grass already on your lawn. A different kind of grass will look like an odd man out.

Water the affected area dairy. If you notice a rut yet after a few days, gently lift the area using a spade. Add a new layer of soil beneath the sod to elevate the depressed area.

Advantages of using barriers to keep cars off the grass

Having a barrier in your yard has many advantages. It helps to prevent grass damage, thereby maintaining the lush green appearance of your lawn. 

A few barriers to keep cars off grass, such as rock gardens, decorative ponds, and designer fences, add value to the aesthetics of your lawn. A hedge or vegetation in your yard may soon be a favorite area for butterflies and a few birds.

A barrier, such as a fence, lamp posts, aluminum edging, brick pavers, etc., eliminates the risk of mishaps preventing any stranger’s car from entering your lawn. Block pavers, brick pavers, etc., also add a sense of tidiness to your yard.

Another advantage is that your pets will remain constrained in your area, and the risk of losing them or getting harmed by outsiders will be zero. In addition, a fencing barrier will block outside animals and people entering your lawn without your knowledge.

Disadvantages of using barriers to keep cars off the grass

Every coin has two sides, and the barriers to keep cars off grass aren’t an exception. Putting a barrier invites expenses. Moreover, they are high on maintenance. So in a way, the expenditure will be recurring. For example, a lamp post or a fence may be damaged, and you will have to pay to fix them.

Disadvantages of using barriers to keep cars off the grass

Barriers like hedges will take years to develop, compelling you to invest a lot of money and effort to grow them correctly. A few barriers, such as spike stripes, and large rocks, may be a reason for confrontation with the owner of the affected car if damages happen to their vehicle.

Barriers, if not carefully set, may hamper the appearance of your lawn and the entire yard. E.g., rocks oddly set, wrongly colored fences, odd-looking lamps, etc.

Alternative solutions to the problem of cars driving on grass

Today, you can harness the power of technology to monitor your yard and maintain your lawn to remain undamaged. You can fit sensors around your yard to alert you of any detected movement beforehand. So if any car is trying to enter your lawn, you will be alerted immediately, and you can stop the vehicle from entering your yard.

Alternative solutions to the problem of cars driving on grass

Similarly, you can install CCTVs and record whoever is entering your yard. You can alert the car drivers to not enter the lawn when you notice one. Even if any car enters despite your warning, you have solid visual proof to complain against and can procure the expenses for your damaged lawn.

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You have maintained your lawn like your baby. It’s disappointing when a car enters and leaves tire marks on it. It’s a disgusting scene and annoying you to your limits.

But you can save yourself from this situation if you set up barriers to keep cars off grass. It will prevent any car from entering your yard and damaging your lawn. There are several barrier options, like using bollards, hedges, trees, rock gardens, fencing, lamp posts, decorative ponds, aluminum edging, brick or concrete pavers, concrete blocks, etc.

You can also use modern technology by installing CCTVs and sensors to monitor any strange activity. Setting one or a few barriers will eradicate your worry of anyone entering your lawn and damaging the grass.

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