{"id":549,"date":"2022-11-04T06:04:00","date_gmt":"2022-11-04T06:04:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/yardvarsity.com\/?p=549"},"modified":"2022-12-05T09:49:57","modified_gmt":"2022-12-05T09:49:57","slug":"is-box-elder-good-firewood","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/yardvarsity.com\/questions\/is-box-elder-good-firewood\/","title":{"rendered":"Is Box Elder Good Firewood? (Expert’s Take)"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Box elder, also known as Manitoba maple, is the perfect firewood choice for many reasons. It burns quickly, making it ideal if you\u2019re short on time but still want to enjoy a wood fire in your fireplace or stove. Its low density makes it easy to carry and handle and provides plenty of heat once it\u2019s burning well.<\/strong> Plus, it\u2019s easy to split into smaller pieces when you need to light your fire with paper and kindling.<\/p>\n\n\n\n


Although it’s often lumped together with the many other kinds of maple trees, it’s quite different\u2014in fact, in Canada and Alaska, it’s known as dogwood because of its weak wood and tendency to snap like twigs when being cut or felled. Read on to learn why you should be burning box elder this winter instead of dogwood!<\/p>\n\n\n\n


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