What Attracts Gophers To Your Yard? (Unearthing the Mystery)

Did you know that gophers can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your yard within just a few weeks? These small, burrowing rodents may seem harmless at first glance, but they can wreak havoc on your garden and lawn, turning your once-pristine outdoor space into a minefield of destruction.

As a homeowner, it’s essential to understand the potential damage it can cause and what attracts gophers to your yard in the first place. These creatures are more than just a minor annoyance; they can significantly threaten your property’s value and overall enjoyment of your outdoor living space.

What attracts gophers to your yard? everything you should know

In this article, I will explore the world of gophers, focusing on the destruction they can cause and the factors that draw them to your yard.

What attracts gophers to your yard?

Gophers are attracted to your yard primarily due to the presence of food, favorable soil conditions, and a suitable environment for burrowing. They prefer loose, moist soil as it is easier for them to dig through, and they feed on plant roots, which can be abundant in gardens and lawns.

Gophers are attracted to your yard by the plants you grow and the insects that reside within the soil. Earthworms, grubs, and other soil-dwelling invertebrates serve as supplementary food sources for these rodents. 

Moreover, gophers are drawn to areas with ample ground cover, such as tall grass, shrubs, or dense vegetation, which protect them from predators and the elements. As a result, maintaining a well-groomed lawn and garden can help in deterring gophers from taking up residence in your yard.

In addition to food and shelter, gophers are also attracted to yards that offer easy access to water sources. They require moisture to survive and are more likely found in areas with adequate irrigation or natural water sources, such as ponds or streams. To further discourage gophers from invading your yard, monitoring and managing your property’s water supply is essential, ensuring that it doesn’t create an overly inviting habitat for these destructive rodents.

Will gophers eventually leave your yard?

Gophers may eventually leave your yard, but it depends on various factors such as food availability and habitat suitability. If the food sources in your yard become scarce or the environmental conditions become unfavorable, gophers may move on to find more suitable locations.

Will gophers eventually leave your yard

However, it’s essential to take proactive measures to deter and control gophers to ensure they don’t cause significant damage to your property before they decide to leave.

How do I get rid of gophers in my yard?

Understanding the signs of gopher infestation and implementing effective control methods are crucial to protecting your property. This guide will provide detailed instructions and tips for homeowners with little to no experience in pest control.

Signs of Gopher Infestation

To effectively eliminate gophers from your yard, it’s essential to first identify the signs of infestation:

  • Mounds of dirt: Gophers create crescent or horseshoe-shaped mounds as they dig their tunnels.
  • Chewed vegetation: Gophers feed on plant roots, which may result in wilting or dying plants.
  • Tunnel systems: You may notice depressions or raised areas in your lawn, indicating gopher tunnels beneath the surface.

Methods for Getting Rid of Gophers

There are several methods for getting rid of gophers, including trapping, baiting, and repelling. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks, so choose the one that best suits your situation.

Methods for Getting Rid of Gophers

1. Trapping

Buy a gopher trap, such as a cinch trap or a box trap, from your local hardware store or online. Locate an active tunnel by probing the ground near fresh mounds with a metal rod or screwdriver. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to set the trap in the tunnel, ensuring it is securely in place.

Check the trap daily and remove any trapped gophers, disposing of them according to local regulations.

2. Baiting

Obtain gopher bait from a hardware store or online retailer, such as poison pellets or grain. Locate an active tunnel using the same method as trapping. Carefully place the bait in the tunnel, following the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and placement. Monitor the area for signs of gopher activity, reapplying bait as needed until the infestation is resolved.

3. Repelling

Purchase a gopher repellent from a hardware store or online retailer, such as castor oil granules or a sonic spike. Apply the repellent according to the manufacturer’s instructions, focusing on areas with visible gopher activity. Reapply the repellent as needed, following the recommended schedule to maintain its effectiveness.

Safety Tips for Handling Traps and Chemicals

When using traps or chemicals to eliminate gophers, follow these safety tips:

  • Wear protective gloves and eye protection when handling traps or chemicals.
  • Keep children and pets away from traps and baited areas.
  • Dispose of trapped gophers and used bait according to local regulations.
  • Store traps and chemicals in a secure location, out of reach of children and pets.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Future Gopher Infestations

Preventative Measures to Avoid Future Gopher Infestations

To prevent future gopher infestations, implement the following measures:

  • Maintain a well-groomed lawn and garden, removing excess ground cover that provides shelter for gophers.
  • Install barriers, such as underground fencing or mesh, to prevent gophers from accessing your yard.
  • Consider planting gopher-resistant plants or using raised garden beds to minimize the attractiveness of your yard to gophers.
  • Regularly monitor your yard for signs of gopher activity and address any issues promptly.

Additional Resources

For further assistance in dealing with gopher infestations, consider consulting the following resources: 

  • Local pest control services: Professionals can advise and assist in eliminating gophers from your yard.
  • Online forums: Connect with other homeowners who have faced similar issues to share tips, advice, and support.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can eliminate gophers from your yard and prevent future infestations, ensuring a healthy and beautiful outdoor space for you and your family.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What’s the fastest way to get rid of gophers?

Several methods to get rid of gophers quickly include trapping, using repellents, and flooding their tunnels. The best method depends on your situation and preferences.

What do gophers hate the most?

Gophers dislike certain smells, such as garlic, castor oil, and smoke. Planting these items near their burrows or using them as a repellent may help keep them away.

Is it legal to kill gophers in California?

Yes, it is legal to kill gophers in California, but there are restrictions on the methods that can be used. For example, certain types of traps are prohibited, and poison can only be used by licensed professionals.


Understanding what attracts gophers to your yard is essential in effectively managing and preventing these pesky creatures from causing damage to your property. Factors such as the availability of food sources, suitable soil conditions, and shelter from predators play a significant role in making your yard an attractive habitat for gophers. 

By addressing these factors and employing appropriate control methods, homeowners can deter gophers and maintain a healthy, beautiful landscape. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so take proactive steps to ensure your yard remains gopher-free and enjoyable for years to come.

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