How to get rid of dog poop in the yard? (Quick & Easy Methods)

Dog ownership comes with immense joy, unconditional love, and, unfortunately, the undeniable responsibility of regular poop clean-ups. If left unattended, dog waste can pose health risks to your pets and family, detracting from your yard’s beauty and enjoyment.

Whether you own a single dog or are a proud parent of multiple furry friends, dealing with dog poop is an inevitable part of the routine. This article will explore various strategies and provide practical tips on how to get rid of dog poop in the yard, maintain cleanliness, and ensure a safe and healthy environment for everyone.

How to get rid of dog poop in the yard? A complete guide

How to get rid of dog poop in the yard? 

Keeping your yard clean from dog poop is necessary for sanitation and aesthetics. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively get rid of dog poop from your yard.

Materials You’ll Need

Before starting, gather these essential materials:

  • A sturdy poop scoop or bag
  • A bag for disposal
  • A hose with a spray attachment (optional)
  • Disposable gloves
  • Poop bags or garbage bags

Step 1: Prepare Yourself

  1. Wear Appropriate Clothing: Dress in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty and a pair of durable, comfortable shoes that are easy to clean.
  2. Don Gloves: Put on a pair of disposable gloves to prevent direct contact with dog feces.

Step 2: Spot The Poop

  1. Start from one side of the yard and work your way to the other side systematically, e.g., in a zigzag pattern or a sweeping arc.
  2. Search thoroughly in all areas, including hidden spots like under bushes and corners.

Step 3: Scoop the Poop

  1. Use a Poop Scoop: If you have a poop scoop, place it underneath the poop and scoop it up.
  2. Use a Bag: If you are using a bag, place your hand (covered with the bag) under the poop, close your hand around the poop and then turn the bag inside out.

Step 4: Dispose of the Poop

  1. Place the poop into a dog waste bag or any other suitable type of bag.
  2. Knot, the top of the bag to prevent the poop from falling out and to stop the smell from spreading.

Step 5: Cleaning the Area

  1. Rinse With a Hose (Optional): If you have a hose with a spray attachment, use it to clean the area where the poop was picked up.
  2. Disinfect (Optional): Consider using a pet safe disinfectant in the area to kill any remaining bacteria or parasites.

Step 6: Discard the Bag Appropriately

  1. Place the waste bag in a designated trash bin outside the house.
  2. Make sure to store the trash bins out of the reach of the dogs to prevent them from tearing into them.

Step 7: Wash Your Hands

  1. After you finish the process, discard the disposable gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Following these steps, your yard should be clean, safe, and free from dog poop. It’s a good habit to clean up after your dog daily to prevent the buildup of waste in your yard.

 Wash Your Hands

What to do with dog poop until garbage day? 

When it’s not garbage day, and you’re left wondering what to do with dog poop, here are some advisable methods you can apply.

Option 1: Down The Toilet, It Goes

If local regulations permit it, dog waste may be disposed of in your home toilet. Here’s how:

  1. Use a poop scooper or bag to pick up the dog poop from your yard or wherever it is.
  2. Carry it to your bathroom and drop the waste directly into the toilet. Do NOT flush the entire bag or scooper into the toilet, as it can cause a blockage. Only the poop itself should be flushed.
  3. Make sure to clean your scooper afterwards and wash your hands thoroughly.

Please note that this method should only be used if your sewage system is equipped to handle pet waste, and it’s not recommended for homes that use septic systems.

Option 2: Create A DIY Doggie Septic System

Burying dog waste in your yard can be a practical solution. Before doing so, ensure local regulations allow this. Here’s how you can create your own DIY Doggie Septic System:

  1. Choose a spot in your yard where you’d prefer to bury the poop. It should ideally be a corner or a less trafficked area and away from any edible plants.
  2. Dig a hole of about one foot deep and one foot in diameter. The hole’s size may vary depending on how much dog poop you typically deal with.
  3. Drop the dog waste into this hole and then cover it with soil.
  4. Mark the spot to ensure you remember where it is. This will also prevent you or your family from accidentally digging up the spot later.
  5. Once it’s filled to within 5 inches of the top, dig another hole in a new location for future disposal.

An important note to remember: Burying dog poop should be done at a considerable depth to prevent attracting pests and keep it from being dug up by other animals. Avoid areas near water sources to prevent contamination.

Using either method, you can manage your dog waste efficiently until it’s garbage day. It’s also essential to note that these methods require adhering to local regulations to avoid legal implications.

How To Dissolve Dog Poop?

Effectively dissolving dog poop can help keep your yard or outdoor area clean without physically picking it up. This guide will explore various methods to dissolve dog waste, providing alternative solutions.

How To Dissolve Dog Poop

Method 1: Using Enzyme-based Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners break down the organic compounds in dog poop, causing it to dissolve and making it easier to clean up. Here’s how you can use enzyme-based cleaners:

  1. Purchase an Enzyme Cleaner: Look for a pet-safe enzyme cleaner to break down dog waste. These can be found at pet stores, department stores, or online retailers.
  2. Apply the Cleaner: After locating the spot where your dog has left its waste, generously spray the enzyme cleaner directly onto the poop. Be sure to follow the product’s instructions for best results.
  3. Allow Time for Dissolving: Depending on the cleaner and the size of the poop, the dissolving process may take several minutes to a few hours. Allow the product to work magic, then assess if a second application is necessary.
  4. Clean the Area: Once the waste has been dissolved, use a hose to wash away any remaining residue.
  5. Dispose of the Solution Safely: When rinsing the area, be mindful of where the water and cleaner go. Avoid allowing it to run into storm drains or bodies of water, as this might harm aquatic life and result in penalties due to environmental guidelines.

Method 2: Employing Natural Solutions

You can use some natural techniques to dissolve dog waste while minimizing the amount of chemicals introduced into the environment.

Vinegar Solution

  1. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the mixture directly onto the dog poop, ensuring it’s well-saturated.
  3. Allow the solution to break down the poop for several minutes before rinsing the area with water.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Solution

  1. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda onto the dog poop.
  2. Pour a mixture of water and white vinegar onto the baking soda-covered waste. This combination will create a foaming reaction, which aids in breaking down the poop.
  3. Allow the mixture to work for a few minutes before rinsing the area with water.

These natural methods may be less effective in dissolving hardened or larger dog waste. In such instances, enzyme-based cleaners may be more suitable.

Following this guide, you should know how to dissolve dog poop quickly and efficiently. Be sure to dispose of any residue responsibly to keep your yard clean and help protect the environment.

Things to Consider Before Leaving Dissolving Dog Poop

Deciding to dissolve your dog’s poop can be practical for some pet owners. However, it isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. Here are several things to take into consideration:

Things to Consider Before Leaving Dissolving Dog Poop


Deciding what to do with dog poop is not only about convenience; it also carries an environmental impact. Chemicals from cleaners and dissolved fecal matter can enter stormwater systems if not disposed of carefully, posing a risk to local water supplies and potentially harming aquatic ecosystems. Landscape health can also be affected by chemical residues left on the grass.

Legal Regulations

In certain places, laws and regulations may dictate what you can do with dog waste. There could be penalties for improper disposal methods or using certain ways of dissolving dog poop that are considered harmful. Always check local regulations beforehand.

Health and Safety

Dog feces can carry harmful viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Regardless of whether you’re picking the feces up or dissolving it, you must ensure your health and safety, such as wearing gloves and washing your hands.


Different dissolving methods work differently; no solution is perfect for every situation. For instance, enzyme-based cleaners may not work well on hard or older stools, and natural methods might not completely dissolve larger deposits.

The Dog’s Diet

A dog’s diet can affect the constitution of its poop, which may impact the effectiveness of dissolving methods. Waste from dogs that have a diet richer in proteins or grains may be harder to dissolve.

The Size of the Dog

The size of your dog will determine the quantity and size of the poop you need to deal with. Dissolving could become a more complex task if you have larger dogs or several canines.

Drainage System

If you’re using your hose to rinse away dissolved poop, be mindful of where that water will end up. Septic systems and other types of drainage may not be equipped to handle the fecal matter, potentially leading to blockages or contamination issues.


Enzyme-based cleaners and other commercial products cost money, and regular use can add up over time. For those on a tight budget, this could be a significant consideration.

By considering these factors, you can decide whether dissolving your dog’s poop is the best method for you.

What is the proper way to get rid of dog poop?

Proper disposal of dog poop is essential, not only for cleanliness and aesthetic purposes but also for hygienic reasons. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to effectively get rid of dog poop.

What is the proper way to get rid of dog poop

Step 1: Prep Your Materials

Firstly, gather the necessary tools.

  • A poop scooper or plastic bag for pick up
  • A secure, lidded trash can or poop bag for disposal

Using disposable gloves can provide an additional protective layer between you and the dog poop, enhancing sanitation.

Step 2: Pick Up the Poop

Using your chosen tool, scoop or pick up the dog poop. Avoid touching the poop with your bare hands.

  • Scooper: Slide it beneath the poop and lift.
  • Bag method: If you’re using a bag, put your hand inside it as if it was a glove, pick up the poop and then turn the bag inside out, retaining the poop inside.

Step 3: Dispose of the Poop

Securely bag it: Knot, the top of the poop bag or garbage bag, to prevent the poop from falling out and to contain the smell.

Trash Can: If your local rules and regulations allow it, dispose of the bagged dog poop in a lined, lidded trash can.

Doggie septic tank: Some homeowners may install a small septic tank specifically designed to dispose of dog waste on their property.

Compost: Some types of dog poop can be composted, but this must not be used for edible plants due to the risk of transmitting harmful bacteria and parasites.

Step 4: Clean Up

Clean the area using a pet-safe disinfectant to remove bacteria and parasites if any residue remains after pick-up. This is particularly important in high-traffic areas or if your dog prefers a specific spot for toileting.

Step 5: Wash Your Hands

Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling dog poop or any cleanup tools, even if you wear gloves.

Step 6: Regular Trash Disposal

Store the trash can in a secluded, preferably outdoor location until trash pickup day. When it’s time, dispose of the bag in your regular trash pickup, assuming your local trash pickup service allows dog waste disposal.

Regular Trash Disposal

Ensure to follow your local regulations and guidelines. Some regions may have certain restrictions or guidelines about disposing of pet waste in regular trash pickups, so it’s important to research and abide by these rules.

You can responsibly take care of your dog’s waste through these steps, maintaining a clean yard and promoting a healthy environment.

How do you get rid of dog poop in your yard fast?

To get rid of dog poop in your yard fast:

  1. Gather a poop scooper or plastic bag and gloves for sanitation. If you’re using a scooper, slide it under the poop and lift it to collect.
  2. When using a plastic bag, place your hand inside it as if it were a glove, grab the poop, and then turn the bag inside out, encapsulating the waste.
  3. Securely tie the top of the poop bag to contain odors and prevent spillage.
  4. Dispose of the bagged waste in a lined, lidded trash can, following local regulations.
  5. Clean any residue from the yard using a pet-safe disinfectant and wash your hands thoroughly after handling the waste and its disposal.

This method ensures efficient and hygienic elimination of dog poop from your yard.

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frequently asked question (FAQs)

Q: Is there a spray that dissolves dog poop?

A: Yes, enzyme-based sprays are available specifically designed for dissolving dog poop. These sprays work by breaking down the organic compounds in the poop. However, how well these work will depend on several factors, including the size and solidity of the poop and the specific product used.

Q: How long does it take dog poop to decompose?

A: Dog poop typically takes about a year to fully decompose in a yard if left to nature’s devices. However, the decomposition timeline can be significantly shortened using specific products, such as enzyme-based sprays, or under composting conditions.

Q: Does rain wash away dog poop?

A: While rain may wash away some residues of dog poop, it does not eliminate the waste. Dog poop can be persistent and may leave harmful parasites and bacteria in the soil. These can then be transmitted to other animals or humans, harming water quality.

Q: Will baking soda dissolve dog poop?

A: Baking soda alone is not an efficient dissolver of dog poop. However, when combined with vinegar, a chemical reaction can help break down the waste, though it may not be as potent as an enzyme-based cleaner.

Q: What happens when you leave dog poop in the yard?

A: Leaving dog poop in the yard can lead to unpleasant smells and an unattractive appearance. It can also attract flies and other pests and potentially spread diseases or parasites. Undisposed dog poop can contaminate ecosystems if washed into water sources via rain.

Q: Does dog poop eventually go away?

A: Yes, eventually, but natural decomposition can take quite a while, up to a year in some cases. During that time, it can pose risks to your yard and environment. Cleaning it up promptly is always the best course of action.


Effectively dealing with dog waste in your yard is a crucial pet owner responsibility. Not only does it keep your yard clean and prevent unpleasant odors, but it also protects against potential health risks and disease spread. You can manage this task quickly and efficiently by employing simple tools like poop scoopers or plastic bags and following a regular disposal routine.

Remember, it’s important to follow local regulations for disposal and always maintain good hygiene practices throughout the process. With these measures in hand, getting rid of your dog’s waste becomes a hassle-free aspect of pet ownership, contributing to a cleaner yard and a healthier environment. I hope this guide has been helpful regarding how to get rid of dog poop in the yard, let me know if you still have any question in the comment box.

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